Not sure if that is the appropriate title, but I'm looking at DSs subtest scores and trying to understand what they mean.
I've read posts in which folks are discussing the subtest scores and sound so knowledgeable about them, but I just don't get it. Granted, this was our first experience with testing so I did alot of listening and nodding during the IEP meeting because I thought I understood what was being said, but seeing the understanding that folks here seem to have about the scores tells me I really don't get it.
Do they provide a guide to the strengths/weaknesses that make up the whole? Is the information contained in the numbers of the subtests a clearer picture than the summary? Why are substitutions done? By my DSs scores, I see that the substituted category score was definitely higher than the score it replaced, but how would the tester know to substitute?
Perhaps it's the whole testing process that I don't get yet, and not just the scores. I'm sure that a deeper understanding of all of this won't affect anything, but it sure as heck would make me feel better......I think.