Originally Posted by Dottie
Originally Posted by JDAx3
I want to say that it had to do with distractions and waning focus on DSs part.
You mean like this?

Originally Posted by DS's report
Across both Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Reasoning tests, DS's performance declined with order of administration. One explanation for this pattern of performance is that DS became bored with the tasks and his motivation and effort waned. Much of the testing appeared easy for him as he answered quickly and effortlessly and yawned on several occasions.

We get some, but not all of the school data. Some I try to get above and beyond. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes not. It's frustrating, because I too love data!!!

LOL! So, you must know my son.

You know, I knew testing was planned for DS, but didn't know when. I assumed that they would have given me a heads up a day or two prior so I could give DS a heads up. He freely admits to not paying attention when he already knows what's being asked/taught, etc. With a little advance notice DS probably would have focused more knowing that the testing was to help make the school situation better for him. Ah well, things are being done and that's all I really ever hoped for so I can't complain too much.