Thanks for the reply. DS took the WISC-IV and the WIAT-II. The WISC-IV was administered by the school psychologist, the WIAT-II by the gifted ed personnel. The breakdowns follow:

Verbal Comprehension

Similarities - 18
Vocabulary - 18
Comprehension - 14
(Information) - NA
(Word Reasoning) - NA

Perceptual Reasoning
Block Design - 14*
Picture Concepts - 15
Matrix Reasoning - 18
(Picture Completion) - 16*
Picture Completion substituted for Block Design

Working Memory
Digit Span - 12*
Letter Number Seq - 13
(Arithmetic) - 18*
Arithmetic substituted for Digit Span

Processing Speed
Coding - 12
Symbol Search - 12
(Cancellation) - NA


Word Reading - 136
Reading Comprehension - 145
Pseudoword Decoding - 128

Numerical Operations - 137
Math Reasoning - 149

I understand the the WMI and PSI most likely brought down the FSIQ. I guess I just wonder what the subtests tell me? I know what I think his strengths/weaknesses are, but is there a pattern that I'm not aware of, is he getting the right things based on where his needs fall? <---Just thinking out loud here.

Thanks for your help in understanding all of this.