Originally Posted by bronxmom

To address your question about the meaning of each subtest-- I have a book in my library (at work) called Assessment of children: Wisc-IV and WPPSI-III supplement by Sattler & Dumont. This explains each subtest in detail.

My son's scores also would have been significantly boosted by substitutions, which were not done.

But it was sort of interesting to run all the different scenarios.

JDAx3, did you son's school do the WISC and WIAT for him? If so I think you are lucky!

Thanks for the book title. I'll have to look at that. And yes, the school did do the WISC and WIAT. We are very pleased with the school and how they are handling things, especially after reading about some of the struggles other parents are dealing with. Every time I read something about school struggles, I'm grateful for DSs teachers and school. My only 'complaint' (not that I would ever look this gift horse in the mouth) is that the testing wasn't completed until January and things weren't put into place until Feb/Mar. BUT, we've got what we needed and at least when we move, we're not starting from scratch.