Thank you all so much for your input. I am still torn about this decision, but feel it is worth a shot. If there is no permenant evidence of damage, then I don't see a problem trying it out. Who knows if it will work for the better or for the worse.
DS7 is very smart, as all of you have this in common with me, but, is a perfectionist who will try something once & not again if he fails. The pressure he has on himself is tremendous. This is 100% internal. We do not push our kids. We encourage them & explain that everyone has different gifts. Some must try harder than others at certain things. So, it kills me to see him beat himself up.
Even at 1 yr, he would stack blocks high, but if they fell, he would have a serious, angry tantrum & it would be weeks before those blocks were played with again. It was shocking & that reaction to failure is still holding him back. We didn't realize how strange that block issue was until we had our 2nd son, who laughed so hard the 1st time his blocks fell. He would build them just to knock them down & laugh. It drove his older brother nuts!

Anyhow, DS7 constantly says what a bad child he is, how stupid he is & what a bad artist & writer he is. (he is an excellent artist & writer). He is so hard on himself & it doesn't matter how much I tell him how great he is, he has a different veiw of himself. It just hurts me to imagine a child feeling this way.
If the meds can help him feel more like a kid, than I have to at least try it. If it doesn't work, than we will know it is something we will have to deal with forever & figure it out.
I am still hoping to hear more success or failure stories about this issue, so please keep them coming!! And, THANKS!!!