Some of the more gifted people in my family have mild OCD but have never been treated for it. My daughter has it and says her little brother has it too but if he does, it isn't causing enough trouble to do anything about it.

But anxiety and phobias are making life difficult for both of us. This is one of the things I will ask the developmental pediatrician about if we can ever get in to see him.

I am worried about things like my son crossing over to Boy Scouts and having to go to camp with kids who would tease him about the phobias if they found out about them.

He can talk about some of this with me, because I have some of these issues also, but I know it bothers him that his dad, retired military veteran and physically and mentally strong and very smart, seemingly perfect in every way, might think he is weak. He made a comment about this to me recently and I didn't tell his dad because I know that he never intended for his son to feel this way.

I am also sad that my son is not being a kid. My son even says he is not a kid. I don't know how to change this, but I wish you luck in finding answers.