Sorry it took me so long to respond. DS7 started his meds 7 weeks ago & LIFE IS GOOD!! What a dramatic change we have in our home. He is still the same kid, but now the OCD is very managable if not completely gone. He still gets mad occassionally, but now it is not extreme & he is over it & happy again in 2 minutes. I can have a reasonable discussion with him about behavior & later watch him implement what I said. He is the 1st to apologize to his little brother when they argue. He shares more, and is more relaxed & always upbeat & happy. He is no longer worried, controlling, violent,argumentative or anxious. Bedtime is a breeze. That has been the biggest change.

He is on the lowest dose of risperadol at night & the lowest dose of zoloft in the morning. I am very happy that I went ahead with it. Although, when I gave him that 1st pill, I went in the bathroom & cried. I felt like I was selling out. But, I feel differently now. I did it for him & he is happy & enjoying life. A far cry from where he was 2 months ago.

He is a mature, caring, compassionate, thoughtful 7 yr old. I am so proud of him.