My husband is just like you described. He is one of the brightest people I know, but his fears keep him where he is comfortable. At this age, try all you can before he gets to puberty and refuses. My husband is comfortable being at the top so he really cannot try something new - even though he is curious.

I know that his anxiety attacks/migraines and other things really kicked in during middle school years. He will quote that he "tried that when he was twelve and it did not work" for things such as skating or French.

He made an "A" in French and clepped out in college, but refuses to speak it or teach our daughter because he is "terrible at it". I had to learn to speak it (way worse) when we traveled to France and Quebec just to get around. Then, he would tell me the correct way to say it once I had asked for directions.

It is really tough for them (and the spouse).