I can't figure out how I could have kept my DS4 from reading. He was reading before 2...and even without books he would read shopping aisles, signs on the roads, etc. I never sat down with him and taught him how to sound out words. I don't think it would have been possible to keep him from reading even if I had wanted to. I agree that there is a big element of play that is needed for kids and it shouldn't all be about academics...but some are just driven that way. I had never heard that about Waldorf schools. And funny because a psychiatrist that I used to work with had his son attend a Waldorf school and was recommending it for my son when he had heard about my son being so academic at a young age. Strange. He seemed to be telling me that Waldorf would meet his needs better because he was the way he was, but maybe he was hinting that I should lay off and stop teaching DS to read, LOL.