We were pretty clueless I must say so I can't say we could be accused of pushing the girls. We did get lots of comments but didn't think that DD8 talking very clearly and complexly fairly early was a big deal. We had at least one other friend with a kid comparable so....We would also giggle at the pediatricians pamphlets as well. With both girls when Pediatrician asked me how many words the girls said, I would be like I don't have any idea they just talk to me.

I'm surprised however, that our pediatrician didn't refer us for ADHD testing the way DD8 acts in the Drs office all the time. She tries to take apart the office and gets into everything, rarely listening to the demands of please stop until i raise my voice significantly. One college room mate who is a teacher mentioned attention issues but then said well it doesn't affect her learning (honestly I'm surprised I haven't gotten more comments like this). DD8 is so stubborn when she is set on doing something or being right it is ridiculous, DD4 is heading the same way. Not lack of focus but focused on other things aside from what I want smile

I notice things more with DD4 and Edwin makes a good point. I have started working more with DD4 mainly because she wants homework like big sis. She can do a lot of the same things as DD8 so I think I missed a lot of the clues due to our paradigm of normal and didn't notice until we went to public school that she was possibly more ahead than we thought. DH is still struggling with this. He is still amazed at the scores on the screening test with DD8 (haven't had an ind. test).

Last edited by mschaff; 03/19/09 09:31 AM.