JB - I love chess at this age. Just 'knowing how the pieces move' is lovely. Have you taught that each piece has a value and that when one is winning it's good to trade, but when one is behind in point value, it's good to only trade pieces when one comes out ahead?

That seems to be a useful 'baby step' towards teaching stratagy.

Also - you can try practicing chess puzzles or teaching endgame basics.

When I started playing with DS12 he was 5, and we had a rule that whenever he wanted to we could 'change sides.' I've also played this way with his friends as the learned, and they loved having that out. It let my play my hardest without crushing his ego.

I also teach kids that the pawns are like the children, the bishops and knights are like the teenagers, and the Queen, King and Rooks are like the grownups - and the children get to 'go outside and play' first, then the teenagers, then finally the grownups.

So much fun!

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