Just curious. DS6 (yes, officially 6 now) has started showing an interest in chess. We've played on and off over the last 9 months, mostly sparked by "wizards chess" as played in Harry Potter. Yes, there is a lot in our house that is sparked by Harry Potter. If you ever met DS, you'd know why!

So he's got the rules down well, sets up the board, and understands all of the moves--which far surpasses me when I was his age! We're working on strategy at the moment. In most games he's not thinking of anything but the current move and doesn't really think too much of the consequence although he's getting better. This is a different way of DS thinking, so it's a stretch for him (but in a good way; in a way that doesn't frustrate him and doesn't come easy to him).

Its interesting because he would play checkers in school with his classmates and tells us he's never won a game. Again, I think its great for him to experience that. It's also interesting that he wants to play chess at home rather than try to master checkers which is his normal MO.

Just curious about your experience with your child and when and how they starting learning about strategy.


P.S. I'm still here; I lurk every day just haven't had much to say lately.