
Yeah, ditto what you said. On the one hand I'm impressed that DS can actually play a legal game (aside from a couple of the more esoteric rules he gets it). And I'm with you on the strategy part sometimes makes one think really?. We played a game of triangular dots today before we played chess (you connect dots on a triangular grid and when you complete a triangle, you capture it, put your initial in it, and then move again; you can also play with squares). I watched the boy go from having no clue on strategy to--by the end of the game--sort of getting it. He made a decent attempt at a come back. So strategy must require a bit of experience and guidance.

For both checkers and chess he's really just focused on one move at a time right now too. Sounds like that's relatively common.

Thanks for the tip on the game. He loves computer games so I'll look into it...