A couple quick things:
1. I bought The Cat in Numberland from Amazon in Canada (I forgot the web address but it ends in .ca I think). It was only like $18.95 or something.
2. My DS5(ok I'll give him the 6 - DS6, since his bday is next week) who I wholeheartedly believe is a VSL went through such a counting phase (he still *adores* tape measures and the like. been known to break a 25' black and decker). He has a major speech delay, among other things, so I have long assumed he has left-brain weaknesses. dumb questions: is a person adept at counting also good at sequential activities? or not? Isn't counting kinda the definition of sequential? Can a person have auditory deficiencies but not sequential? He is my math boy, but he seems to be as good at calculating as he is at concepts (indeed better than DD7, who is quite the VSL). Maybe he's just a bright kid with a speech delay and not as heavily VSL/weak on left brain stuff as I had thought? I guess I need to re-read upside down brilliance yet again...