Originally Posted by RJH
I wish I knew. DS is exactly like this. Everything is number to him. Saying it's 60 degrees is not good enough....it's 62 degrees. Or it's not 5pm, it's 5:03pm. He will put a number to things that don't have anything to do with numbers (to most people anyway smile ) If I ask him if he cleaned his room, he will tell me it is 72% done. LOL! I catch him all the time counting things. I guess that's just how he sees the world.

Holy cow, this completely describes my DS4. He constantly will do stuff like this. He will remind us of the speed limit and ask how fast we are going, LOL. He wants to know the exact temperature...and forget rounding for the time...he will always correct that one. And he does the percent now too....and quarters. He will say "I'm about a quarter of the way done with this, so I have about 3 quarters left to go."