I was just asking DS4 that very question, Lily! He didn't have an answer for me about what makes it so attractive. I guess it's like asking me why I like purple: I dunno, I just do!

He has been into counting for a while, but lately he's moved on to adding, subtracting and multiplying. I'm finding it pretty amazing, actually. He's adding and subtracting up to 3 digits in his head all of a sudden (provided there are plenty of zeroes), and he's already well on his way to having his times tables memorized, not to mention figuring things like 1000 x 1000 and 9 x 2000. It's coming from him, too, not mom-driven. He invents the problems and talks through them, though he'll happily work problems if I give them to him to keep him busy.

Math, drawing/writing, and Wii are ALL he wants to do all day long. But mostly math!

I have been skeptical about his GTness because I just wasn't seeing it. But his fascination with numbers and arithmetic is making me a believer. He just lights up when doing math, and he often says "I'm a mathy guy!"

He sure is!

So if you figure out what's up, please let me know. I'm very intrigued!
