He has been into counting for a while, but lately he's moved on to adding, subtracting and multiplying. I'm finding it pretty amazing, actually. He's adding and subtracting up to 3 digits in his head all of a sudden (provided there are plenty of zeroes), and he's already well on his way to having his times tables memorized, not to mention figuring things like 1000 x 1000 and 9 x 2000. It's coming from him, too, not mom-driven. He invents the problems and talks through them, though he'll happily work problems if I give them to him to keep him busy.
Math, drawing/writing, and Wii are ALL he wants to do all day long. But mostly math!
Is that the same child you would consider ND if it wasn't for his OE? Somebody has been having a huge gt denial

LOL. Sorry, I couldn't let it go. A little bit more of this and I will start worrying that perhaps my DS4 isn't gt

DS6 wasn't into counting that much but he for sure won't take 5:00 for 5:03 and so. I was quite happy once he understood that 65 millions years ago is an estimate and it doesn't mean that next year they will say 65,000,001 years ago

BTW science books which convert temperature from C to F literally and end up with numbers like 500,032F drive me nuts.