It just happened all of a sudden LMom, honest!

Really, it's the craziest thing! It's like he found his groove for the first time ever, and suddenly he's off to the races.
You know how happy I am to point out GT denial (LOL!), so I don't think that's what this was. He just REALLY hasn't shown anything that looks GT (besides the PG+ OEs!

)...until just now! He was doing the counting thing in the fall. He started doing the most basic addition by Christmas, and this month he's like some sort of arithmetic nut all of a sudden! DS7 had leaps, but I've never seen anything like this math one! It's like he just woke up one day having skipped 2 or 3 or 4 years of development overnight.
It's freaky, actually!
Now if he's just read so I can stop worrying about 2E...