Thanks! I don't know beestar, so I'll check it out. But I already got three of the "xth Grader" books, just to cover my son's bases. He's moving through the Singapore Math so fast, we may need to go up another grade or two by the end of the year! I'm SOOO glad we took him out of public school! He's learning, he has much more time for friendships, and he's blossoming!

BTW, I'm loving "Creative Home Schooling for Gifted Children: A Resource Guide" by Lisa Rivero, in case anyone else is reading this for help.

Most books I've read have dealt either with home schooling or with gifted education. This is the only resource I've found that tackles the combination. It's so good for helping a home schooler to consider the specific needs of teaching a gifted child, re: not necessarily working lockstep with a packaged curriculum if that's not how the child works, considering learning styles, practical strategies for dealing with the "fire hose" effect of a gifted child's passion for certain topics, etc. Very useful!

