I have 2 elementary kids, bright and gifted. Our school curriculum moves slowly so they are not challenged most of the time and they don't get not much homework either. I don't homeschool, I researched and setup some year round study programs in home to keep them on top. Including series of books, online weekly exercise and some workbooks we identified. Since you are homeschooling, I recommend this site


My friend who homeschool her kids gave me this link. It offers tests of all subjects weekly, math, english/reading, gifted, science and social. Math is free, other subjects are $30 each. Best of all for homeschool kids, it gives your standing among others on the same grade/subjects every week and semester, so you know where you are...

The core knowledge series, "What your xth grader need to know' is our favorite set of books.


Last edited by ~~HappyMom; 10/05/07 07:08 AM.