Sorry, Lorel!

He's 6. We didn't grade skip him because a) we didn't realize until this week just exactly how bright he is, and b) he's already young for his grade. (And a lot of people hold their kids back around here to make them bigger for sports...don't get me started!)

He reads about 3 grades above level, but his math achievement is only barely 1 grade above 1st grade now. However, I think that's just because I'm such a verbal person. His testing (and my experience with how his mind works) indicate that he has the ability, but I know I haven't challenged him to use his math skills in the way he has to use his verbal ones around me, just as a matter of course. I suspect that once he gets regular exposure and a responsive environment, he's going to fly through any curriculum I put in front of him.

Thanks so much for your help!
