We were in a similar position as you a year ago, except DS(now 6y9m)was in K. He was happy with age-peers and also involved in sports but he didn't see school as a place to learn. He was becoming content with just the social aspects. My advice would be to not worry about making a decision until you get your hands on as much information as you can - read A Nation Deceived, give your son the Iowa Acceleration Scale and read the manual, listen to the pros and cons of grade skips by experts and people who have done it. Keep your options open by preparing DS for the end of year test. *Then* go with your gut feeling

In the end, my DS skipped 1st grade based on my gut feeling (after obsessively seeking out information

. It's still easy for him, but at least he's now challenged in some areas like writing. I have no regrets. The skip was fairly seamless. There was no teasing. The only negative so far is that there are some kids who are in cliques that are hard for him to break into, but he doesn't care *that* much about it. Plus, this may have happened without a skip.