Hi xoxosmom, I can really sympathise with you. We were recently considering a gradeskip for our DS6, but have decided to delay it for now and try an improved "differentiation" (he gets to do English, Maths and Science one on one with a teacher and is doing an additional language) - not sure if it is going to work out yet but it looks promising. I was put off the grade skip as for it to improve my son's position it would need to be a skip of at least two years. I was worried about the sports (he enjoys his sport for now and I didn't think that he would be able to compete against bigger boys) and also how he would cope as he is quite sensitive. Saying that, if it had been a one year skip, I think that DH and I would have gone for it.

I can understand your reluctance, but encourage you to discuss your concerns because there are so many knowledgeable people on this forum and they will be able to let you know their experiences. I was encouraged to hear about so many people having positive grade skip experiences - you only get to hear about the bad in the media!

Not sure if my rambling helps much, but just to say that I know where you are coming from - also every family is unique and has different things that they need to consider.
