My dd7 was not thrilled with the idea of wearing glasses at first. She started to get happier about it when she got to pick out frames. She wanted round ones like Simon (the chipmunk) because it made him look "smart" and she wanted to look smart.

Anyway, she had to be reminded a lot in the beginning about wearing them all the time. Then we saw another eye doctor that said they were doing nothing for her. So we took them away for a week and noticed that her dyslexic writing was worse and her ablility to do homework seemed to decrease.

We found another Optometrist (behavioral) and she explained that the glasses certainly did help but that dd also needed therapy. We are getting the results of all the eye testing this week and then we will start the vision therapy sessions.

I was concerned about dd getting on board with the therapy but she seems excited. The office has therapy dogs so that is a big motivator for her. She also has some insight about her vision that also motivates her.

For us, it has been a long road and it has required a great deal of research, persistance and organization!

Good luck!