I was really unsure about what effect glasses might have on Miss 7. We got them after a visit to a behavioural optomitrist during the last week of term. At this time, she was reading every night but would only read the bare minimum. If I set her a goal of two chapters, she would read 2 chapters and not a word more. She would rub her eyes and say that she was tired (but I just thought this was because she would read just before going to bed). But 5 weeks later, Miss 7 is now reading 1.5 hours a day and thriving. She reads maybe 5 books a week and is much more likely to go for stories around her reading level than picture books. I'm trying to keep track of the GER of the books she's been reading over the summer to also test out my theory that the glasses are helping. But so far, I would have to say that they are a HUGE success. And I was such a pessimist(!)
