Originally Posted by skyward
DD had her 4y well check and her vision was 20/30. We had her screened again by a pediatric optometrist. Again vision 20/30. The optometrist said she did not need glasses yet because she was so young and it would really not be necessary until she was in school. I am concerned about this because she is reading already and if she can not see it has got to be frustrating. Should we insist she get glasses? The optometrist also said that their eyes change so fast that it wasn't worth getting glasses this young because her eyes would change again. I am worried that she may need the glasses to continue learning at her own rate. Especially since she is reading. She has complained about not being able to read things that are far away. Is 20/30 vision enough to affect her daily activities?

My vision was 20/30 with a slight astigmatism until 40itis hit my eyes and I started to need bifocals. 20/30 will not affect reading up close. It has a slight effect on reading a classroom board, and seeing clearly in the distance. I got glasses in Jr High to read the board easier, but I seldom wore them outside the classroom. As an adult, I've kept a pair of glasses handy for driving in unfamiliar places, so I could read the road signs.

Based on my personal experience with the same diagnosis, I'd follow the advice of your optometrist and wait.