Thanks, I've seen some of it. I was looking for something that really rips it to shreds. I still think it's ridiculous how few questions can drop your score. Am I understanding this correctly? As the questions increase in difficulty, they are weighted differently? So a kid who misses one question early gets a lower score than one who misses one of the last ones?

I mean, what if the dork behind you wipes a booger on your shirt and you are so psyched out you mark the wrong anwer by accident?

You know what would be so totally awesome?!?!?!?

I would like Harcourt Assessment( who currently publishes the WISC, right?) to pay me to conduct a study on the CogAt, which is published by Houghlin Mifflin I think.

I'd take a group of kids and administer the CogAt. Then I'd call them back a year later and train them, I mean "prep" them with those shady prep tests you can buy on line.

Really, and not JUST to be antagonistic( which I greatly enjoy being at times) but I'd really like to see if those tests help kids score higher.