Thanks for the attempts to answer my question. I was really looking for a ball park answer and can now conclude that the # of questions for each section is closer to 50 than 10 or 100.

What I am further confused about is how different the parent reports can be from one school and year to the next. I think the schools must decide what and how much they want included. The report from last year for the ITBS included SS, stanine, percentiles, # of questions, # attempted and # correct but did not have any information for the CogAT.

This year, the info is quite sparse for both, but especially for the CogAT which only includes the percentile and stanine-no IQ equivalent looking score. It does have a very brief and generic paragraph to explain what percentile means.

Neither report has a back side or any further explanation.

Ebeth, thanks for the interesting info regarding the SS averages per grade. I see that his current composite SS increased by 21 points over last year. I�m at least glad to see an increase rather than decline.