Neato: The Cogat data that you posted may depend on grade level. My DS took the Cogat when he was in 1st grade at the age of six. On his report, they list the number of items in each of the three sections (Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal) as equal to 40. (That was in Sept. 2006). Or maybe they have revised it since then?

I found the numbers on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (which he took at the same time) to be completely confusing. All we received were "Predicted Scores", "Obtained Scores", and "National percentile rank". On the Cogat subsection of the report, they included the raw scores.

Interestingly, his language achievement scores for the ITBS (Reading and Language totals) are almost identical to his CogAT Verbal (lowest), his Math Total IS identical to the CogAT Quantitative section and the overall composites are exactly the same.

The only thing that I can add (which may or may not make any sense or be worthwhile!) is that on the back of the Iowa report it mentions that "the developmental standard score (SS) used with the achievement batteries describes students' academic development. Average scores obtained during the spring test are 200 in grade 4, 250 in grade 8, and 275 in grade 11." So the scores on the IBST go up to at least 275 (? possibly? can anyone help me out here??), whereas the Cogat has a very, very low ceiling. It is quoted as 145 or 150, but DS hit the ceiling at 140 for the standard age scores, according to our gifted teacher. Out of 120 questions, he missed 6 (3 verbals, 2 Quals, and 1 non-verbal). This might also be grade dependent though?

I don't know if this helps or confuses the issue. Sorry!!

Mom to DS12 and DD3