I just have to stand up for the small-headed people of the world!!
DH and I both have fairly small heads, and we have advanced degrees in science. I could literally get away with wearing a child's size bicycle helmet if needed. But then again, it is in proportion to the rest of our bodies, which might be the answer here. Both DH and I are pretty thin and lanky creatures. My arms look like toothpicks. So small bones and a small head are just in proportion.
DS has inherited our bone structure. His head looks frighteningly small compared to most of his age mates. But then again, so does his whole body. Except for the tremendously big feet. (which he inherited from me!) Thanks for making me smile by pointing that one out, Val!
Okay, now everyone is going to be picturing me with a tiny head and arms, and big clown feet!

Sad, but true!