I dont necessarily think large head size=big thinker, however I glanced at the article and thought, it just seems to leave a lot in question as far as the loose conclusions it makes. Probably just one of those areas of study were there are just going to be more questions than answers for a long time to come.
There is presumably a difference between the healthy brain and its rate of growth,/range of size and rates of growth when there are problems. The article refers to large head size not present at birth - I can definitely tell you both my kids had huge heads when they were born

Our ped has always taken head measurements;
I imagine most doctors would look at head size from birth, if not earlier, and going forward to get a rate of growth. Spikes in that rate of growth would probably be a more reliable guage of any problems rather than just a single measurement.
We are a large headed family; I could make a case for large head size= clutter prone and easily frustrated...