
If a public school approves an IEP or 504 and they don’t follow through, it’s illegal. It sounds like you have enough data/diagnosis to get him identified gifted and get a 504 at public school. Our school district takes the 504 accommodations seriously.

Maybe start looking at the public schools. Sometimes there are magnet schools within the system for gifted or interests like stem or creative arts.

Our school district doesn’t have any specialized schools, but I’ve already had a conversation with our school team that leads me to believe that we could get my 2e son enrolled in a neighboring district if it somehow fit better, gifted, disability, or special interest. The catch would be we would have to transport. But if you’re in a bad situation, extra effort on transportation might be worth it.

My son is 2e an and has a 504 at our public school. It’s not perfection… but they do put a lot of effort into making the accommodations happen. Currently it’s hard to get extra time on writing, but the teacher is trying to use the time and resources available and we are doing some catch up work at home.

My experience so far leads me to prefer seasoned teachers who have taught the same grade for many years. They know the material very well and can modify curriculum, the environment and their daily schedule to meet needs. Teachers that get thrown into a classroom at the last second or are brand new will be overwhelmed and intimidated by my kid’s needs and abilities. The last 2 years the school has carefully placed my child with specific instructors. It makes a huge difference. I’ve been in meetings where they tell me they will handpick instructors for him in the future. Literally years of advocacy to get to this point, but it’s possible to get the public school working with you to help your kid!