Hi Everyone,
I have a son 9, 4th grade, IQ in 99.9% with “stealth” dyslexia. Reads above grade level but any sort of writing is incredibly taxing and difficult. Currently in a small private catholic school, it’s not terrible depending on the teacher (this years ok, 2nd grade was awful.) We tried an independent gifted school for a stint in 3rd grade but it seems like with almost every school/teacher, we go through the IEP, they give lip service to his accommodations (extra time, limiting the amount of work, talk to text) but after a couple of weeks, they aren’t taking the time to follow any of it, instead theyre admonishing him him for not trying, not finishing his work, not paying attention. This is almost always involving worksheets with a lot of different boxes or types of questions or extended written assignments. We’ve looked at a project based private school in La Jolla (where we currently live) but it’s more than twice what we’re paying now, the teachers were all very young, and after the introductory meeting where we discussed all of this from the beginning and the director assured us it was almost entirely project based, they don’t use workbooks etc., we went on to speak with the teachers of whom several discussed the basis of the work being worksheets/workbooks. Ugh. We haven’t been able to find anything near San Diego that supports both dysgraphia/dyslexia AND giftedness. He’s bored out of his mind at and at the same time super stressed and frustrated. Looking for suggestions in San Diego area or Salt Lake City/Park City/Logan area where we are considering moving. Or if anyone has info on an amazing school somewhere else we’d really appreciate it. Thank you!!