Thank you everyone for your replies. I’ve become a good advocate, and a squeaky wheel. I actually had to threaten to take the district to court to get them to test him in the first place, then went on to have him tested privately because they didn’t test him for dyslexia since he was reading above grade level. The problem is we’re at such a small school that there is only one teacher per grade. It seems that he’ll try really hard at the beginning of the year, then get burned out. By this point the teacher has decided he’s “capable” and just not trying hard enough. We do have a new principal who seems to “get it” a little better, and we have a really great OT who’s acting almost as an advocate for him at this point. So I’ve asked the OT to start having check ins regularly with the teacher. Im hoping not to need to involve the principal yet, as this teacher is the only option and I don’t feel like that is going to go well. His self esteem/image is my absolute biggest concern at this point. I’m starting to think homeschool/online school might be the best option for the next little bit. I worry about this though because he’s really social, so maybe a hybrid type program is what we should be looking for. I think after school OT support for the dysgraphia would be enough, he actually does completely fine in school if he has a teacher that is patient and willing to let him finish assignments verbally or with talk to text. If anyone has recommendations for homeschool dysgraphia/dyslexia programs, or hybrid programs, I’d love to hear them. Again thank you all for taking the time to reply!