I had the new 504 meeting today. Before I go on, during the fall he was also tested for a writing disability...I will put the scores here:
His WIAT III scores and percentiles were:
Reading Comprehension: 123 (94)
Math Problem Solving: 123 (94)
Alphabet Writing Fluency: 80 (9)
Spelling: 91 (27)
Sentence Composition: 89 (23)
Sentence Combining: 111 (77)
Sentence Building: 70 (2)
Essay Composition: NS (he had a meltdown and hid under the table)
Listening Comprehension: 120 (91)
Receptive Vocab: 109: (73)
Oral Discourse Comprehension: 123 (94)
Latest Map Scores:
Math: 228 (99)
Reading: 216 (93)
Science: 215 (95)
The school psychologist said he did not have dysgraphia and that he avoids writing because he doesn't like to do it, even though he had a full on meltdown doing the writing portion. So, none of that was really addressed at today's meeting and I was shot down when I disagreed that he avoided his work because he didn't like it. He didn't receive many meaningful accommodations and there have been some big problems at school with behavioral problems.
When I argued that he's avoiding work because he doesn't like writing and he's bored, I was also shot down and told "He is not twice exceptional" because he didn't memorize his multiplication tables (he prefers to do them in his head). When I said that he hasn't learned much in 3rd grade Math, the principal used his Map scores to try to 'prove' that he jumped up that far because of Math Class. I said that he he has been above the 95th percentile in math since Kindergarten all but two times...and one time he just decided he didn't want to do it. I was called a liar (not literally but it was absolutely implied) by several people when I said that he's being treated unfairly because of his problems (even though I have proof that he was put in a small group below his ability because of his behavior).
At this point I have no real hope of getting real help from the school willingly. I think the fact that he twice exceptional is making it really difficult for him to receive an IEP and a GIEP.
In some good news he was accepted into both Northwestern's CTD program for the summer and John Hopkin's CTY program for the fall (through the pilot program) for both math and reading. Thanks for reading...sorry if it's not terribly comprehensible.