Paying full tuition and having complained, privates will show you the door so fast. I have learned to just go with the flow. Parents are afraid to complain about anything and being asked to leave dd's school.

And where in North America are public school teachers not unionized?

And, in my experience and travels, I find the curriculum in SE Asian countries was way above and challenging compared to North America. Whether there is 60 kids in a class. I remember traveling in 1998 in Vietnam and high school students approaching me so they could practice their English. I remember having discussions with guides about their science curriculum.

And when I we moved to Toronto, I just booked a private psychologist and had the testing done. And had a principal at a local school help me with the whole IEP. I am not good at waiting. Though the public gifted (in a good neighborhood) was awful. I should have put her in Montessori or something before she went private in 7th grade.