It is why Harvard still uses legacy. Donations dropped off the cliff when they tried not to use it.

Dalton wants to match the demographics of NYC public schools? What demographics? Visible, skin color? What about knowlege differences? A friend who taught K in a very poor public school was trying to teach the kids to count to 10 by the end of the year. And the alphabet. Is Dalton really going to have a reflection of the demographics? Or are they just going to take wealthy kids of ethnic diversity south of 96th street?

I think there are many things you can do but swinging the pendulum so far, it becomes like in 1974 when they wanted to do away with day light savings changes and realized after one year it was a really bad idea.

Education in general has fallen behind, corporations are falling behind. China is investing in research, infrastructure and the US is taking away voting rights. And we have covid.

I don't think any school is so good. I am paying for a private HG academic school and my kid still has to supplement. And had to create a whole extracurricular leadership thing outside of what the school offered because they are not great. But the best option in Toronto. Best does not mean great or even good, just best. But because she had to scramble and find her stuff gave her the skill set she needs to survive (I hope),

Maybe my comments are not relevant. But I think kids need a good curriculum, opportunities and taught truth. No more white washing history. Give wifi and computers to schools that don't have it. There is billions spent on campaign ads. Billions every election year. Trillions spent on foreign wars that accomplish nothing. If they invested in cyber war, they would have won years ago. Just go in and take the foreign money. Hack their systems. Russia and China do it without spending trillions and they are winning. There is never money for schools that need it. And to me this is the real problem.