Suggestion for this thread: all welcome to agree or disagree.

This topic is inherently tied to race and equity, and the parents here are largely sensitive and respectful in the discussion.

It is not mutually exclusive for visible minorities to be discriminated against, and the policies which seek to redress that inequity to also have unintended (and damaging) consequences on those not in minorities or traditionally underrepresented populations.

For example, outside of the sphere of racial inequity and from the intersectional lens of gender/giftedness as the parent of a boy, I have simultaneously held conflicting views: that it is desirable for more girls in his cohort to have access to traditionally masculine learning opportunities, while also feeling concern that the absolute number of opportunities available to my son - on a population basis - are lower than for females.

Mods - a request. Can we please keep that spirit in mind here and allow more politically themed posts in this specific thread, so long as they don't veer into the territory of stating or insinuating that a specific identifiable group (race, gender, etc) being somehow less intrinsically suited to certain paths? To have a fulsome and enjoyable discussion requires us to delve into HOW these policies are enacted, and that necessarily skirts on some topics that would otherwise be verboten.

Thanks all.

What is to give light must endure burning.