I echo the misgivings that Aquinas has regarding being able to offer broader educational challenges and supports to our DD due to the fact that we have (currently) an income which permits it.

This is a why I support test based gifted education that is open to all that can cross the bar as opposed to just the parents who can afford choice for their offspring. Instead of being ‘exclusionary’ I believe it to be the most inclusive option we have in an otherwise very unfair world.

I grew up in the UK as a mixed race child who absolutely encountered bias and prejudice from some individuals even in my own family. But by and large most people that I encountered, then and now, have just accepted me or rejected me based on who I am.

Now that I have a very white looking daughter it really saddens me she will be put upon in just the same way that I was just because of her outward appearance. If anything an institutional form of racism appears to be brewing. Multiplying both sides of an inequality just reverses its direction but makes things on either side of the equals no less unequal in absolute terms.

I found the discussion covered in the embedded link Url in the ‘title article’ concerning the real world applicability of the IAT to be quite concerning.

I hope that I have done a good enough job of helping by DD to calibrate her BS detectors for her not to get sucked into feeling guilty about having light colored skin.

PS - read this while it is hot - I am sure that the censors will have it soon.

Last edited by madeinuk; 03/12/21 07:02 AM.

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