A couple questions made me take a second look, and maybe they could write the English questions in a more straightforward way. The math questions weren't tricky at all. Just figure out the answer and find the right choice. On the other hand, by the time teachers take this test most of them should have taken dozens of multiple choice tests like this.

I just have a sinking feeling that people are ignoring the elephant in the room. There is a teacher shortage and the bar keeps going lower and lower. If teachers can't pass they will make it easier and easier til almost anyone could pass. We're already seeing a trend in certain cities--teachers don't even need to have a license, because of a shortage. People love to blame Common Core or standardized tests for all problems in education. But I think a major problem that people like to ignore or not discuss is that a lot of teachers are under-qualified. In the case of gifted kids, that could mean the kids have a better grasp of the material than their teachers. I also think this is related to boxed curriculums, computerized learning, etc. Districts eat it up, can't spend enough money on "curriculum" where teachers basically read a script. Administrators don't trust teachers to actually teach, and in the case of some of them, maybe there is a good reason why.