Sorry if "dummies" offended people. I'm not referring to innate ability, but a lack of knowledge, lack of education, etc. If they don't understand math, or other subjects, how can they teach it? The link I posted had English questions as well. If teachers have a disability that prevents them from doing well on a test, then they should get accommodations, like increased time. One of my kids has problems focusing on tests like that, but who knows...might make a good teacher. But the questions themselves did not seem difficult and left me with the feeling of wanting to yell, "Please don't teach if you can't understand these questions!"

So what's the solution if teachers lack proper foundational math skills? I think they need to go through remedial math courses. And if they still can't pass the test (with accommodations if they need them), then they shouldn't teach. I don't think lowering the bar so anyone and everyone can teach is a good solution. We need some minimum standards and a certain level of knowledge, as well as teaching skills.