Thanks for your thoughts. I can see where you saw the similarity but I really don't think so with him.
I think with the group project it was that it was a new thing that involved solving a problem and making a skit. It also involved working with a group to generate and vet ideas, agree on the final idea, create props and coordinate efforts when many of the team members had extra curricular activities that prevented them from meeting out of school hours. So it was garden variety quite valid stress.
The second assignment was a week after the presentation, so another immediate ramp up of stress without a break, that involved creating a visual presentation and evaluation of all the learning in the last term. The presentation was to two teachers and his parents (us). He had been deeply unhappy the whole term so he likely wanted to say something less than positive but was forced to come up with something, present it and then face a negative evaluation of his behaviour - in front of his parents.
I appreciate the breakdown but the issue was stress, frustration. Like spending two months preparing a presentation for a group while 99% of the time thinking you're going to completely bomb and then having to present a summary of the last few months to your boss who then tells you that your attitude sucked.
Wow, thanks for making me articulate that. It sounds completely rational really.
Moving on from that is the issue. What would you do as an employee? Look for a new job or stiff upper lip?