Thanks for comments Indigo. That's a great idea - won't see a counselor yet. I've made an appointment w the family doctor to get referred to the local anxiety counselor. That's a mouthful. I'm going to try to see him on my own if/until I can get my DS to go. Perhaps they can walk me through some questions/steps to help him through this stage.

A book might help too. I've read a lot but he wasn't interested before. Perhaps I'll try that. I also have an app called Mindshift that has a lot of resources for anxiety. I got it with him in mind but haven't shown it to him yet. I was hoping the fall would be smooth(er).

I haven't seen any evidence of any 2e issues but good suggestion. He's strong academically and doesn't seem bothered in busy surroundings. My other son used to be more like that and with attention issues.

I think it's social anxiety with bouts of wonderful social confidence. It's odd.