you guys are all over my heads, I'm afraid--I've had to relearn systems of equations to help her, and the graphing stuff is just gone for me, though I'm sure I could relearn. My sense is that her fundamentals of ALL things algebraic are shaky indeed. She is quick and picks up most things "procedurally," but some of this stuff is a bit less procedural. I had her here in Khan beacuse that's where they are:

and she was struggling, getting maybe 50% of the problems right. She actually had the basic concept down but was shaky enough that she kept fudging things up.

I took her back to here:
and she walked through the first few videos and examples and got everything right and the lights seemed to be going on. I feel confident she could go through the KA systems of equations lessons and get this down. But what else doesn't she have down that she should have down? I'm kind of threatening/sweet talking her into doing this extra work...she's used to breezing through everything...