LOL. Good point, mithawk. It also doesn't begin to address the more subtle sort of opinion-slyly-expressed-as-expertise/fact, such as those which are periodically expressed by N. Christakis, referenced on the previous page. I knew that I recognized that name from a hack bit that he published a few years ago.

DOCTOR Christakis is one of those individuals who is primarily a great believer in the origins of his own opinions as some kind of supreme validation of those same opinions. In my own opinion, naturally. I definitely apply a bias filter to anything related to him, and remember that he seems to have a predilection for seeking media attention with outrageous and provocative actions or statements on a semi-regular basis.

Just noting that. He's the Ivy League's answer to Howard Stern, quite bluntly. While I'm not innately feeling the need to be protected from such shenanigans, I also recognize that people like him can (and quite probably DO) cause some harm in the way of collateral damage in their Quixotic engagement in the culture wars. Oh well.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.