The other thing that I wonder is if, in the push for "acceptable" which seems to be an ever-narrowing sort of window, frankly, with pathologizing on either side of it (perhaps Irena's book club friend might have-- GASP-- a
conduct disorder... 
we're making it (as a society, I mean) harder and harder to live on the edges of the distribution.
It's possible that this phenomenon is driving intolerance for gifted persons, as well. We make people... what is the word? Oh yes--
uncomfortable-- with our intensity, drives, divergent thinking, observations, quickness, etc.
I have to wonder if people have less tolerance for things that make them personally uncomfortable, and feel far more empowered to COMPLAIN and "make it right" for themselves at every turn, leading to a sort of vanilla kind of world, where the only complaining which is permitted is; "you're offending me with your differences (of opinion, speech, thought)-- stop that!"