I don't like the word "gifted" for reasons described above but gladly use it in forums or with others who have experienced it in all its good and bad angles. It's an excellent code word.

I remember an older colleague asking me, after I had been guardedly talking about DS "so is he gifted?" You can imagine how it felt to be able to talk openly after that, and to learn his now-grown children were as well!
DS has been told that he has a lot of ability in certain areas and that we are working with the schools, camps, etc. to make sure that his mind gets to use that ability and grow at the speed it is capable of growing. Or something to that effect. He's been partially accelerated, and now that he's been to gifted programs, he gets that others are also. Although we have talked about it matter-of-factly and said it isn't something to brag about, we did learn that he told a new group that he was the smartest in his class! Drat. We have never said that, although he may well be, so I'm guessing he observed it. Fortunately, the kids still like him. :-o