I have to tell her something relatively soon, as she's going to be taking some additional assessments at school to see what we're going to do with her next year (we have no gifted programming, usually they "differentiate" within the classroom -- this is not enough for my kids, and its questionable how well its done for more 'regular' high achieving/accelerated learners). It sounds like possible subject acceleration, at least for math to start - which would be awesome. I need her to understand 'why' she's being tested so she doesn't get upset about it and so that she really puts her best effort into it...
Back to the OP, when we were in that situation we explained exactly that: DD was unhappy with school, and we were having her meet with an expert at matching kids to the best schools for them. (In your case, adjusting the school to work for your DD.) For this to work, she had to give the tester the best, most honest picture of herself possible. She absolutely saw this logic. It was years before we explained the results, because they weren't relevant to her at the time.