Thank you all so much. DD, who asks us about all kinds of things that never are or would be relevant to her (things like what DH and I are talking about, even though she can clearly hear it has *nothing* to do with her... sigh) didn't ask a bit about the further testing and assessments.
I told her to expect more assessments, and she said 'oh, well Mrs. B had me do the end of the year 3rd grade assessment right after I did the end of year 2nd. I didn't mind, it got me out of doing the boring stuff the rest of the class was doing.'... OK, so clearly I overthought all this!! LOL.
At some point we'll have a conversation, I guess, but for now all I've said is that we're looking to see what she does and does not know, so that she doesn't have to have another year like this year where she is bored.
Again, I so appreciate all the advice. I feel like I have some strategies in place for when the conversation *does* happen - as we all know it will. Either she will come to me asking questions, or I'll notice her masking her abilities more and need to address with her that being smart is part of who she is, and that she shouldn't hide, apologize for, or deny that part of her. OR it will come up as soon as DS finds out she might be doing 4th grade math as a 3rd grader ;-) A totally different conversation (one in which I'll also have to do some apologizing to poor DS10 for the lack of challenge he had to suffer... but I can't control changes in administration; just take advantage of the opportunities those changes afford!). [I'm also kind of kidding about DS - he knows she does his 4th grade math homework at home already, so it won't come as too much of a shock...and, I hope it doesn't need saying but just in case, I will not be pointing out to him the fact that she'll be subject accelerated... Plus I do have some hope for changes for him too, just those are not easy changes like hers could be]