I really don't like the label OR hearing my kids refer to themselves this way and this is even with a M.Ed. in gifted ed! But there was no way around it since the programs are called "gifted ed" here. I don't like the label for the same reason some others don't but also because I think it causes a negative reaction for other parents and kids sometimes.
If I'd had a choice, I wouldn't use the word but would instead explain what it means (without referring to IQ--another place kids might speak without filtering themselves and offend others. You could speak specifically about areas of strength, for instance, and even areas of relative challenge (should there be any) and why it's important for people to learn things in the right "zone."
I realize that especially on this forum, this might not be the popular opinion, but it's just such a loaded label. It kind of reminds me of when people say they are "blessed," which may have connotations that are somewhat off-putting (and have implications of some sort of superior relationship with the gift-blessing-bestower).